Newcomer Centre’s Immigrant Women’s Integration Network (I-WIN) is for immigrant women in Edmonton to quickly access the tools they need; allowing them to achieve their goals and participate fully in Canadian economic, cultural, and social life. This will look different for each woman, but it is rooted in the power of joining together to pool experience, knowledge, and resources.

Newcomer Centre’s I-WIN program empowers women to create the lives they envision for themselves in Canada by connecting women to each other and to the broader community; energizing and supporting women in their journey and providing them with the tools to realize their talents and passions.

what we offer

Graduates of I-WIN benefit from:

  • Increasing their personal wellness and confidence in decision making
  • Enhancing their community relationships by participating in networking activities
  • Learning about Canadian culture
  • Elevating their opportunities in the Canadian workforce with improved resumes, cover letter writing, job search and interview skills
  • Improving communication skills
  • Accessing volunteering, educational and employment opportunities
  • Membership in an active alumni network of professional immigrant women in Edmonton


  • Reflect on your life goals and build plans to achieve them.
  • Build on self-confidence.
  • Work on presentation skills and explore the city.
  • Practice conversational English.


  • Learn about Edmonton and the services, supports & resources available to you.
  • Know your rights & responsibilities.
  • Create social connections.
  • Learn about financial literacy.


  • Explore employment options for specific education and
  • Learn how to tap into the hidden job market.
  • Build a successful resume & cover letter in a Canadian
  • Learn about the Canadian workplace culture.
  • Practice interview techniques for success.

how the program works

During the 6-week certificate program, I-WIN participants explore and learn as a group about job searches, resumes, cover letter writing, interview skills, Canadian culture, personal wellness and so much more through class lectures, discussions, guest speakers and networking activities that set the foundation for participants to be successful in achieving their employment and personal goals in Edmonton.

The program is offered numerous times throughout the year, so please contact us for information about upcoming cohorts.

who can access this program

Candidates must fulfill the following eligibility requirements:

  • Identify as a female immigrant
  • Have Permanent Resident (PR) status in Canada or be a Refugee Claimant
  • Have Canadian Language Benchmark proficiency of at least Level 4 or higher in speaking and listening
  • Must be 18 years of age or older
  • Must reside in Metropolitan Edmonton area

where is the program offered

Classes are offered at Newcomer Centre locations in Edmonton virtually and in person.

Frequently asked questions

  1. Does the program offer in-person or virtual classes?
    I-WIN offers both options.

  2. Does the program offer transportation support?
    Yes, the Newcomer Centre I-WIN program offers free ETS bus tickets for those attending classes in-person.

  3. Does the program offer childcare?
    Yes, for participants attending the in-person classes.

Next cohorts

The next cohort(s) will start:

  • May 6, 2024 – in-person afternoon classes:
    1:00 pm – 3:00 pm on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday

  • May 7, 2024 – virtual morning classes:
    10:00 am – 12:00 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday

find out more

  1. View poster
  2. View brochure
  3. Contact the I-WIN Program Coordinator at iwin@newcomercentre.com for a screening interview for one of the upcoming sessions
  4. Register for the program online: Registration Form and an I-WIN staff member will contact you directly.

who funds the program

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