The Newcomer Centre Job Ready program equips newcomers of all educational backgrounds and levels of experience with employment-related skills and supports to access the Canadian labour market.
participants receive:
- A series of career counselling sessions
- Opportunities to build skills and learn about the labour market by attending workshops, job fairs, events, and information sessions
- Support with creating a realistic, strengths-based career plan
- Assistance with researching the labour market
- Aid with finding employment, education, and volunteer opportunities
- Support with creating targeted resumes and cover letters
- Coaching on interview techniques and job search strategies
- Help to understand hiring practices, Alberta employment customs and responsibilities
job ready - youtube channel
Check out short micro-training videos for newcomers, immigrants and community members at: CentreJOBREADY/videos
emcn offers assistance with...
- Finding employment, education or volunteer opportunities
- Creating resumes and cover letters
- Preparing for interviews
- Understanding the Canadian workplace culture
- Learning about Alberta workplace rights and responsibilities
- Exploring further education and training
- Connecting participants with local employers
how the program works
- Meet with an Newcomer Centre Career and Employment Counsellor
- Receive individual coaching sessions
- Participate in workshops to assist you with your job search
who can access the program
- Permanent Residents of Canada
- Canadian Citizens
- Refugees with Positive Notice of Decision Letter
where is program offered
- Newcomer Centre Central—10170 112 Street NW
- Gupta Newcomer Resource Centre (Newcomer Centre Language Centre)—11713 82 Street NW
- Welcome Centre for Immigrants (WCI)
Suite 200, Tower II, Millbourne Mall
7609 38 Avenue, Millwoods Road NW - Newcomer Centre at C5 Northeast Community Hub—14017 Victoria Trail NW
find out more
To find out more about this program:
- View the brochure
- Contact Digna Lopez via email at
- Call 780-424-7709