Global Garden

Global Garden engages newcomer and Canadian-born gardeners to work together and learn from each other by growing vegetables, flowers and fruit on our plot at Edmonton Urban Farm.


What we offer

Global Garden members benefit from:

  • Meeting new people, and working as part of a team towards a common goal
  • Spending time outdoors and being active
  • Sharing their gardening knowledge and experience, and learning from others
  • Opportunities to harvest and take home produce from the garden


How does the program work?

Global Garden members work together each garden season to plan, prepare, plant, maintain and harvest a community garden. The Garden Committee is made up of garden members who meet once a month to make decisions about the garden and plan activities and workshops on different gardening topics. The Garden Committee also organizes workdays and watering days that happen a few times every week during the growing season.


Who can access the program?

Anyone who is interested in joining the Garden Committee and regularly working in the garden during the growing season.


Where is this program offered?

Edmonton Urban Farm, 11312 79 Street NW. Garden committee meetings are held virtually.


How to access this program

To find out more about the Global Garden program, please contact the Empowered Communities Coordinator.

2024 Summer Program

The Global Garden program is full for this 2024 year.

To join the waitlist for next year, please email Candice Joy at