Putting Down Roots works in partnership with ethno-cultural community groups and organizations to develop their capacities and access resources to meet their goals.
What we offer
Ethno-cultural community groups can benefit from:
- Support to identify community needs and priorities, and plan ways to address them
- Program design, delivery and evaluation support
- Coaching and workshops in board development, strategic planning, grant writing, community engagement, volunteer recruitment, and more
How does the program work?
Putting Down Roots supports ethno-cultural community groups through an empowering process that engages strengths and assets to build community and organizational capacity. Our team will meet with members of your group to learn more about your goals and what you do, and areas where we can support you. We will work with you and connect you to other resources to help you accomplish your goals. Ethno-cultural groups also receive information about community events to share with their members, and can access regular workshops on organizational development.
Who can access this program?
Any ethno-cultural community group in Edmonton, either registered or unregistered as an organization.
Where is this program offered?
Newcomer Centre’s downtown location, 10170 112 Street NW, or other locations that are convenient for your group. We are currently meeting with community groups virtually.
How to access this program
If you are a leader of an ethno-cultural community group, please contact the Empowered Communities Coordinator to set up a meeting.